Today is an important day

Today is an important day África

Ani issinif asi jirachasa jira


Bagaa Nagaa Duphtan!

Ba’yee Galatoma!

Guayyan har’aa kun guyaan barbachisadha.

Guyyaa har’aa guyyaa addatti.

Guyyaa har’aa anaaf Guyyaa addatti.

Guyyaa har’aa kun guyyaa addatti hundaa keenyaafuu.

Har’aa guyyaan kan gareen walwagiin hojjachun iti jalqabnu.

Har’aa ani qama garee keessaniti.

Ani issinif asi jirachasa jira.

Hundi kessanu ummata baa’yee barbachisadha.

Ani kan as jiruuf hundu keessan tajaajiluuf isin if hojjachajiraa isiin walinis hojacha jiraa.

Hojji garii hojjana buu’aa hawasatif hojjana Gammachudhan waqayyoon wajjin.

Baa’yee Galatoma!



Today is an important day

Today is a great day

Today is a great day for me,

Today is a great day for all of you

Today we start working together, as a team,

Today I am part of you

I am here for you

You are the most important people

I am here to serve you, to work for you, with you.

To do our best in benefit of our community.

With Happiness

With God

I am very happy

I want to hear you, to understand, to know you and together do the best for our community.



Baay’ee Galatoma!

Ani tokkon tokko kessanwajiin hojachu kiyaaf way’en gammada. Isi hundinu hojjii baay’ee garii ta’e hojjachaa jirty, kun immo gartuu hojii huddaa tokko ummuu dandeenye jirra.

Kaka’umsa dadhabbi jalala fi oggumma kessan wajjin hundinu ni danda’ama.

Yeo hunda wan fayya’a hojachu nidandenya

Kannaaf guyyya guyyaa ni fayyofna,



I am very happy for working with every one of you. Each one of you are developing an essential work, and together we create a great team work, the best team work.

With your commitment, effort, love and professionality everything is possible.

To serve the community with Excellency.

Always we can improve and do it better, and we are improving day by day. We must aspirate to the excellence, for our community, for our children.

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  2. Pingback: Today is an important day — Cooperación con Alegría – pediatrascooperando

  3. Pingback: Today is an important day — Cooperación con Alegría | Justícia i Salut

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