Let’s talk about Iñaki Alegria. Who is him?

Let’s talk about Iñaki Alegria. Who is him?

From Beyondjuliaswords (Thank you very much for your worlds)

Iñaki Alegria is a pediatrician. Moreover, Iñaki is the founder of an NGO called Alegría sin Fronteras which in English means Alegria without Borders. The NGO focuses on projects for the welfare of Senegal and Ethiopia with the aim of improving the quality of life of those people who are less fortunate.

Nowadays, Alegria has a hospital called Gambo Hospital in which is ubicated in Ethiopia.

Also, he has published a book called Alegría con Gambo (The Ethiopian look that fueled my life). The money that Alegria obtained from the book was to donate to his hospital in order to help people in needs.

Let’s talk about Iñaki Alegria. Who is him? África Dr Alegria
Iñaki Alegría. Ethiopia

These are some of the projects by Inaki Alegria: Keep in mind that all the articles are written in Spanish so if you don’t speak this language. You can choose a tractor or ask one of your friends to translate it Let’s talk about Iñaki Alegria. Who is him? África Dr Alegria

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  La sonrisa que me ha dado la vida

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Las personas con lepra que no tienen lepra, rompiendo el estigma

Aferrándose a la vida

Quote: “When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”  __Maya Angelou

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